Rotary Drilling Rig KR150a

Stutt lýsing:

Hámarks framleiðsla tog er 150kn.m, hámarks borunardýpt getur orðið 52m og borþvermál vélarinnar getur einnig náð 1300 mm.



Vöru kynning

Hámarks framleiðsla tog er 150kn.m, hámarks borunardýpt getur orðið 52m og borþvermál vélarinnar getur einnig náð 1300 mm. Einhylki Luffing vélbúnaður þessarar vél hefur stöðuga notkun og er mjög auðvelt að viðhalda og gera við. The two-segment masts have also been optimized to achieve automatic butt joints and folds, improving efficiency, and helping customers to worry less.In addition, the drilling depth measurement system has been innovated, which has higher accuracy than that of ordinary rigs. The main hoist bottoming protection device (a device that will alarm if the inverted mast is close to the ground) effectively reduces the difficulty of operation and makes the machine Handy when operating machines. The keys of the power head can be used in both directions, and they can continue to be used while they are worn and the other side, which doubles their service life.Very high safety performance, in strict accordance with EU safety standards, meet dynamic and static stability requirements, and ensure safety during construction.Low emissions, environmental protection and energy saving, meet the requirements of most developing and developed countries.The following is an introduction to an engineering case.
This project “power system underground pipe corridor project” is located in Nanjing.The project need construct under the high voltage line, so there is high limited requirement. Rotary Drilling útbúnaðurinn er sérsniðinn. Vegna tiltölulega mikilla krafna viðskiptavinarins um vélrænan búnað og að takast á við flóknar jarðfræðilegar aðstæður. The geology of this project is mainly soil layer, weathered rock, drilling diameter 800mm, drilling depth 15m, hole forming time is about 25 minutes, in general, 10 hours construction forms 21 holes, also with hanging steel cage in the middle. Að mynda skilvirkni holu sem og afköst vélar til að fá viðurkenningu viðskiptavina.


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